RELaTED project took part in the district heating autumn seminar 2021, organized by the Estonian District Heating Association and the Tartu Regional Energy Agency. This seminar was focused on the present and future expectations of the Estonian district heating sector.

TARKON demo area in Tartu. Photo: GREN.
The district heating autumn seminar 2021, organized by the Estonian District Heating Association and the Tartu Regional Energy Agency, took place on November 18th. 2021, 9: 30-15: 00, Tartu SPARK center and ZOOM virtual environment. This event was aimed at specialists of district heating companies, local government specialists dealing with heat management, engineers, designers, etc. and people who are working for district heating sector in whole Estonia.
During the event, they also introduced innovative technological solutions and techniques that the district heating sector plans to use in the near future such as the innovative solutions developed by RELaTED project. Specifically, Margus Raud, of Gren Tartu AS, presented the results of the low temperature demonstration site in Tarkon LT (Tartu), the Estonian city where the RELaTED project is testing its innovative low temperature district heating solution.
The main topics discussed in the seminar were the following:
– Analysis of CO2 emissions from the district heating sector in 2020.
– low temperature district heating networks.
– Innovative district heating solutions.
– an overview of the opening investment support.
– Presentation of the Sustainable Energy Initiative Enerhack.
9.30 – 10.00. Kogunemine
10.00 – 10.30. Koolituspäeva sissejuhatus. Siim Umbleja, EJKÜ; Martin Kikas, TREA
Eesti kaugküttesektori tänapäev ja väljakutsed. Kohaliku omavalitsuse roll.
TREA tegevused KOV soojusmajanduse valdkonnas
10.30 – 11.15. Kaugküttesektori uurimistöö esitlus „EESTI KAUGKÜTTESEKTORI CO2 HEITMED 2020“, Eduard Latõšov, TalTech/TTÜ
Metoodiline lähenemine ja analüüsi koostamise etapid
Tulemused, kasutatud kütuste ülevaade ja co2 heitmed
11.15 – 12.00. Madalatemperatuurilise kaugkütte projektid Tartus. Margus Raud, Gren Tartu AS
Projekti tutvustused
Näited ja tulemused
12.00 – 13.00. Lõunapaus SPARK kohvikus või virtuaalkohvikus
13.00 – 13.45. TREA projekt „LowTEMP“ tutvustus. Ülo Kask, Tartu Regiooni Energiaagentuur
Projekti üldine tutvustus
Päikeseenergia kasutuse võimalused kaugküttesektoris
Suurte soojuspumpade kasutusvõimalused kaugküttevõrkudes
13.45 – 14.30. Eesti kaugküttesektori arenguvõimalused. Rein Vaks, MKM, energiaturgude valdkonnajuht
MKM tegevused kaugküttesektori arendamisel
EL pakett Eesmärk 55 võimalused
Avanevad investeeringutoetused. Innovaatilistele projektide toetused nt energiasalvestus jne
14.30 – 14.50. Enerhack haridusliku programmi tutvustus. Igor Krupenski, MTÜ Enerhack Foundation
energeetika linnalaager
energeetika huviring
energeetika programm koolides
14.50 – 15.00 Kokkuvõte ja koolituspäeva lõpetus. Siim Umbleja, EJKÜ; Martin Kikas, TREA