The attendees of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC) had the opportunity to know more about the decentralized and renewable ultra-low temperature district heating concept that proposes the RELaTED project.
Mikel Lumbreras, researcher at Tecnalia, gave an interesting presentation about the 4th Generation District Heating and the ultra-low district heating advantages for adapting to changeable conditions.
Lumbreras also presented the benefits of flexible technologies as microboosters and 3 function scheme substations. This session was also a great opportunity to shared the latest developments in ultra-low district heating concepts and district heating substations proposed by the RELaTED project.
These papers are online and freely available in the following URLs:
RELaTED, decentralized & renewable Ultra Low Temperature District Heating, concept conversion from traditional district heating
Triple function substation and high-efficiency micro booster heat pump for Ultra Low Temperature District Heating
IAQVEC is a premier international conference series, held once every three years, and host in different countries every time. The conference covers a wide range of key research areas with the goal of simultaneously improving indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and energy efficiency-enhancing well-being and sustainability in buildings.
IAQVEC covers a wide range of key research areas with the goal of simultaneously improving indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and energy efficiency-enhancing well-being and sustainability in buildings.
The X edition of IAQVEC took place organized from 5 to 7th September 2019 in the city of Bari (Southern Italy). During these days, the attendees had the opportunity to exchange research results and best practice experiences among international leaders..
IAQVEC in 2019 was organized around the following eight streams:
· Indoor Environment Quality & Climate;
· Ventilation & Airtightness;
· Ventilation in relation to IAQ & Health Aspects;
· Smart Technologies for Building Performance;
· HVAC Systems;
· Building System Integration and Optimization;
· Sensors, Controls and Information Management;
· Modeling and Simulation Tools.
More information is available at the website: