Partners of RELaTED, Renewable Low Temperature District, presented their advances in the innovative concept of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) network solution. The meeting took place at the premises of Danish Technological Institute in Taastrup, Copenhaguen, Denmark, on May 21 – 23.

RELaTED Consortium.
On the first day of the meeting for Thematic Sessions, several partners visited EnergyFlex House, part of the Danish test facility “Green Lab for Energy Efficient Buildings” (GLEEB) and which interacts with Danish Technological Institute’s other laboratories in a wide cooperation with entrepreneurs, manufacturers, consultants and contractors, as well as national and international knowledge centers.
The second day of the meeting and first day of the partners General Assembly was a day-long gathering in which the partners presented to the consortium their progress in the different work packages. They also established a work plan for the next six months of work in this innovative project, funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
On the third day of the meeting, second of the General Assembly, all the partners visited Vestforbraending (VESTFOR), located approximately 12 km northwest of Copenhagen City and Denmark’s largest waste management and energy company, for a presentation of their interest in ULT DH followed up by visit tour to the incineration plant and their control centre. Their primary focus is to harvest the substantial resource value in waste, whether it be for recycling or as fuel for energy production.
New urban development with associated ULT DH in Vinge

Partners of RELaTED visited Vestforbraending, Denmark’s largest waste management and energy company.
After their call to Vestforbraending, they visited Vinge, one of the four demonstration sites for RELaTED where the RELaTED concept will be tested and a green field development located near Frederikssund designed as a green and smart city with a sustainable energy infrastructure. The new urban development will have its own train station (35 minutes to Copenhagen) and will be fully developed in a 20 year time frame. It is expected to comprise 20,000 inhabitants. VESTFOR is responsible for the ULT DH system supply in Vinge, where RELaTED will demonstrate its ULT DH system for new low-energy developments with large shares of renewable energy with the best possible fiscal solution for homeowners and district heating companies and minimal environmental impact.
The project partners expressed their satisfaction with the progress made in this innovative district heating concept in the 19 months the project has been underway.