Author: Jesús Mª Casado de Pradas. Energy Efficiency Technician in EVE, Ente Vasco de la Energía.

Jesús Mª Casado, Energy Efficiency Technician in EVE.
Thinking back, 9 years have passed since the publication of the Directive on the energy performance of buildings. Article 6 of that Directive identified the need to analyse the technical, environmental and economic feasibility of alternative installations in new buildings. These include district or block heating, particularly where it is based on energy from renewable sources, as well as Heat Pumps.
These premises are included in Law 4/2019 on Energy Sustainability of the Basque Autonomous Community, published on 28 February this year. In effect, with respect to new buildings, provision should be made for centralised energy supply systems for heating, preferably from renewable sources, provided that this is technically and economically reasonable. With regard to existing buildings, the criteria for the mandatory nature of conducting studies on supply through centralized and/or alternative energy systems will be statutorily regulated. We expect the first decrees implementing this law to be published in 2019.
The decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature network solution proposed by the RELaTED project would provide a technical and economic solution to the requirements specified in the recent Law 4/2019 on Energy Sustainability of the Basque Autonomous Community.
The decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature network solution that is being analysed within the RELATED project will meet the requirements of this recent Law in our region, the Basque Country, given that it would provide a technical and economic solution to the requirements specified therein.