VIDEO: Conoce el innovador sistema de calefacción urbana implantado en Iurreta (Bizkaia)

El innovador sistema de calefacción urbana implantado en el complejo de la Ertzaintza en Iurreta (Bizkaia) puede distribuir calor a una calefacción de distrito a ultra baja temperatura, lo que posibilita ahorrar energía y extender el uso de las energías renovables. Se trata de una district heating (calefacción urbana) que suministra agua caliente sanitaria, así como calefacción y refrigeración, a un complejo de la policía vasca compuesto por un conjunto de 14 edificios. Estas novedosas instalaciones, desarrolladas en el marco del proyecto europeo RELaTED, han sido financiadas por la Unión Europea y el Gobierno Vasco, con la colaboración de un total de 14 empresas e instituciones de 8 países, entre ellas, Ente Vasco de la Energía, Tecnalia, Innometal o NIBE. [...]

2021-12-16T11:09:46+00:00December 16th, 2021|Videos|
  • Celsius Talk

RELaTED outcomes were presented in the Celsius Talk: 5th generation heat networks in Europe

On the 29th of September, the outcomes of the RELaTED project were disseminated in the Celsius talk: 5th generation heat networks in Europe by Olaia Eguiarte, member of Tecnalia. The topic of the webinar is Fifth Generation District Heating and Cooling, a concept that has become more and more frequently used in the sector, but there is no consensus on what it really contains. As stated in this webinar, the 5GDHC is becoming more frequently used in the sector, but there is no consensus on what it really contains. The discussion held included different approaches to define the 5GDHC concept and some examples from projects were discussed. During the webinar, Olaia Eguiarte, member of Tecnalia, introduced the RELaTED project and showed the [...]

2021-10-07T12:21:10+00:00October 7th, 2021|Videos|
  • Webinar RELaTED

WEBINAR: Solar energy solutions for decarbonizing ULT DHC

How did the RELaTED pilot site in Denmark use solar power to deliver heat on the ULT DHC network? How can it help foster the EU renovation wave? Watch the recording to know it all. The EU Renovation wave, initiated in October 2020 by the European Commission, has targeted heating and cooling as a key sector in accelerating the renovation rate of buildings in Europe to notably cut CO2 emissions. One of the main aspects is to support the penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) in heating and cooling, including for district heating and cooling (DHC) networks. Solar energy appears to be a great technology for this aim. Its incorporation on existing DHC networks is a solution tested notably in [...]

2022-01-17T10:57:12+00:00April 29th, 2021|Events, Videos|

WEBINAR: The low temperature district heating recording is now available

Watch and listen to the Low Temperature District Heating webinar, hosted by Celsius Initiative in partnership with COOL DH. Learn about how smart cities can transition to low temperature district heating, by the hand of Christian Holm Christiansen, Senior Consultant at the Danish Technological Institute (DTI),  and RELaTED Project partner. Decarbonised district heating systems are already here. As a matter of fact, low temperature district heating can prove to be an important part in keeping the globe’s temperature low as well. This webinar presents some of the opportunities and challenges cities may encounter in their endeavour towards a sustainable and efficient energy system. It covers how to plan for the deployment of new DHC systems, as well as the extension and refurbishing [...]

2022-01-17T11:00:05+00:00May 7th, 2020|Events, Videos|
  • RELaTED ultra-low temperature district heating

New posibilities for ultra-low temperature district heating in corporate district heating networks

Olga Macias, researcher in the field of energy eficiency in buildings in Tecnalia, explains the intervention developed by the RELaTED project in the demonstration site of Iurreta (Spain), in order to test the posibilites of the ultra-low temperature district heating systems  in a corporate building complex. Tecnalia coordinates the RELaTED project which aims to develop an innovative concept of desentralized ultra-low temperature district heating networks. This new concept will be tested in four demonstrations sites, in Denmark, Serbia, Estonia and Spain. The Spanish project is located in Iurreta, in the North of Spain. This site is a policial base owned by the Department of Security of the Basque Goverment. The based consists on a total of thirteen buildings with diferent [...]

2020-03-12T15:11:42+00:00March 12th, 2020|Publications, Videos|

Watch the Integration of Industrial Waste Heat in District Heating Systems [webinar]

Do not miss the recording of the second RELaTED webinar on the Integration of Industrial Waste Heat in District Heating and learn about the role of waste heat in DHs and the RELaTED project DH concept!   What’s new in District Heating Systems (DHs)? DHs have traditionally been designed to be operated with central energy production facilities and a variety of distributed consumption locations (dwellings, tertiary buildings, etc). In some cases, heat is partially obtained from local industrial waste heat streams, leading to almost de-carbonized heating energy supplies. In case you did not know about the role of waste heat in DHs, after watching this webinar you may have upskilled your knowledge about its benefits. Furthermore, the webinar allowed the [...]

2022-01-17T11:00:57+00:00December 24th, 2019|Events, Videos|
  • EUSEW 2019

VIDEO: Watch the video of RELaTED project conference at EUSEW 2019

Roberto Garay, coordinator for RELaTED project, presented the innovative tools and solutions of RELaTED at the Policy Conference of EUSEW 2019 (18-20 June in Brussels), the biggest European event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. Watch Roberto's conference below.  RELaTED project coordinator, Roberto Garay, took part on the conference “The Green Revolution starts at home” (Thursday 20 June 11.00 – 12.30), organized by the Decarb Heat Initiative. This policy session gave a thorough overview of the heating and cooling sector in Europe with its opportunities, tools and technologies available for local, regional and national authorities. Watch the recording of this interesting session below. Organised by the European Commission and EASME, EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is among [...]

2022-01-17T11:02:34+00:00September 1st, 2019|Events, Publications, Videos|
  • Michaela Meir, Aventa

VIDEO: Aventa develops an innovative solar collector system for district heating

Michaela Meir, R&D manager from Aventa and leader of work package 3 in RELaTED project, explains at this video the solution that this Norwegian company is developing in this project. Both the Spanish company IMAR and Aventa are developing solar collector systems for heating. Aventa’s innovation in RELaTED is that these collector systems are decentralized at the end-user side using the district heating network as storage. The final aim is to install the developed technologies at the RELaTED demo sites. Aventa has developed and produced an all-polymeric solar collector of modular design and flexible in dimensions for building integration. Aventa has pioneer in the delivery of solar thermal collectors fully constructed in polymeric structured sheets. Due to mass production processes [...]

2019-10-17T14:07:40+00:00April 11th, 2019|Publications, Videos|
  • RELaTED project METRO THERM video

Video: District heating solutions by RELaTED project and METRO THERM

In this video, Kasper Korsholm Østergaard, PhD, R&D Manager at METRO THERM A/S explains some details of their contribution to the RELaTED project ultra low temperature district heating concept. METRO THERM is a Danish-based company with a long tradition in the production of district heating units and heat pumps. METRO THERM is also one of the 14-companies which have coordinated their interests, technologies and investment roadmaps to develop, deploy and test the RELaTED project concept. The most relevant part of the RELaTED project for METRO THERM is the development of a triple function substation and the use of a microbooster heat pump in ultra low temperature district heating.

2019-03-22T12:41:09+00:00March 7th, 2019|Videos|