  • Iurreta (Spain) district heating network

Low temperature district heating concepts

DH systems were designed many decades ago. In most cases, they are designed and operated to distribute heat at about 80 °C to consumers. RELaTED pursues the development of DH networks with service temperature levels as low as 40-50 ºC. “D.2.1 Low temperature concepts” deliverable reports on the RELaTED low temperature concepts, considering potentialities and limitations imposed by distributed energy sources (DER), low temperature (LT) and ultra-low temperature (ULT) distribution systems as well as heat and domestic hot water demand. DOWNLOAD THIS DOCUMENT >> Operational small corporate DH network in Iurreta (Basque Country, Spain). In RELaTED Task 2.1 the low temperature district heating concept is being defined, and some of the possibilities for integrating distributed energy recourses into [...]

2019-02-28T13:31:08+00:00February 28th, 2019|Public documents, Publications|
  • Overview Beoelektrane district heating network Belgrade

RELaTED project low temperature concepts

The deliverable D.2.1 “Low temperature concepts”  defines the RELaTED low temperature concepts, considering potentialities and limitations imposed by distributed energy sources (DER), low temperature (LT) and ultra-low temperature (ULT) distribution systems as well as heat and domestic hot water demand. […]

2019-02-06T13:10:27+00:00February 6th, 2019|Public documents, Publications|

Energy Price Assessment: an insight to energy costs in the context of District Heating

The energy price assessment performed in the document “D4.1 – Energy Price Assessment" provides a comprehensive review of the main heat production systems and primary energy sources associated with District Heating systems in Europe. Geothermal heat flow density in Europe. EC 2012. © EC, 2012. District heating (DH) systems are one of the most energy efficient heating systems in urban environments and they are also key systems in the de-carbonization of heating energy in European Cities. Renewable and waste heat sources are foreseen at the same time as de-carbonized heat sources and the way to guarantee competitive energy costs with limited influence of fossil fuel supply price volatility. To achieve this, conversion of DHs is needed. RELaTED will [...]

2018-11-16T14:26:50+00:00October 24th, 2018|Public documents, Publications|
  • ST integration into DH networks

Unglazed Solar Thermal Systems for Building Integration, coupled with District Heating Systems

The connection of a solar thermal (ST) façade system to a district heating system allow for the direct use of ST heat in the building, while taking profit from the network for delivery/selling of excess heat and purchase of heat during periods of underproduction. The use of unglazed collectors for low-intrusive architectural interaction in façades is discussed. Studies are carried out on the heat production of the system and its capacity to cope with local demands. Economic studies are carried out in order to balance the investment and operational costs/profits of the system. In this paper, presented in the ICAE conference in Donostia-San Sebastian, the energy performance of a solar thermal (ST) façade system is studied in relation to its [...]

2018-08-06T13:27:41+00:00June 28th, 2018|Conference and scientific journals, Publications|
  • Dissemination materials

Know more about Low Temperature District Heating solutions

District heating is one of the most energy efficient systems to deliver heat in urban environments. Despite this fact, energy market requires a conversion of actual DH concept. This is the main objective of RELaTED concept, that will provide an innovative system of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) network solution that can pave the way for expanding and modernizing existing district heating networks. Find more information about RELaTED low temperature DH solutions in project dissemination materials. […]

2020-12-11T12:35:28+00:00April 27th, 2018|Public documents, Publications|

Design of consumer thermal substations for the integration of distributed solar technologies in District Heating systems

Victor Sanchez and Roberto Garay, of Tecnalia, presented a new consumer substation on the 5th International Solar District Heating Conference. This concept of substation for the connection of Solar Thermal into District Heating networks, will be developed within RELaTED project. […]

2019-09-26T12:21:08+00:00February 26th, 2018|Conference and scientific journals, Publications|
  • District Heating

RELaTED, a flexible approach to the deployment and conversion of DH networks to low temperature

RELaTED concept was presented on the 5th International Solar District Heating Conference in Graz, Austria. Roberto Garay and Victor Sanchez, of Tecnalia, drafted a paper to describe the RELaTED decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature DH network scheme. This paper is accesible for download at this link. Below you can read the abstract of this paper. […]

2019-09-26T12:21:15+00:00February 23rd, 2018|Conference and scientific journals, Publications|