
Regional feasibility studies of new DH in consolidated urban environments, technical financial and administrative roadmaps

The methodology developed within RELaTED identifies interesting interactions between heat sources and high dense areas, but fails to encounter fully successful outcomes. Read more here (PDF) >> The main output of this study is the definition of a procedure for the identification of opportunities of waste heat reuse with a practical application based on real data in both Basque country region and Mazovia region. This document included: Geoprocessing of information on Basque country. Phase 1 of the regional study, with an energy and administrative planning of DH in consolidated urban environments. The main output from this task is the methodology to define roadmaps for the planning of new DH networks in existing urban areas. This methodology has been [...]

2022-04-07T12:47:21+00:00April 7th, 2022|Public documents|
  • RELaTED_ ULT-district heating Belgrade

Transition schemes for DH in operation

 The Guidelines of the task 2.6 will focus on energy planning and economy, Network topology, Scenarios for timeline and energy sources, necessary measures for implementation, project developments and operation and management. DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENT HERE (PDF) >> One smaller generation plant with main network and subnetwork in Belgrade district heating network. In RELaTED Task 2.6 a set of guidelines were developed for how the low temperature concepts can be applied for operational high temperature district heating networks. This report (D2.6) is one of various RELaTED reports describing low temperature concepts from different perspectives. The report refers to other RELaTED reports when relevant. The guidelines of this report are in general terms, based on best practice as most DH [...]

2022-03-24T10:56:05+00:00March 24th, 2022|Public documents|
  • BILST facade system

Interconnection schemes for producer installations

This report elucidates specific barriers and solutions for the use of distributed energy sources (DER) in ULT DH networks. Moreover, it will sketch solutions for producer connections to the network. The objective of this document is to investigate possible interconnection schemes for producer installations and to explore the control opportunities and strategies including local storage when relevant and with respect to the overall boundary conditions, pricing and taxes as well as regulation. DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT>> Example of BILST facade system. Source: IMAR singular metal solution. In RELaTED Task 2.3 the use of distributed energy sources and the possibilities for integration and control in district heating systems are presented along with legal and practical barriers and solutions as well as [...]

2022-03-10T14:22:10+00:00March 10th, 2022|Public documents|
  • business case RELaTED

The business case for ULTDH using the RELaTED concept – Residential & commercial customers, and heat producers

The use of ULTDH network in combination with CHP, reversible heat pumps for heating & cooling, solar systems, and waste heat increases the energy performance in every case. Photo by jiawei cui from Pexels The RELaTED project assessed the business case for ULTDH using a decentralized approach to heat production, i.e. heat can be collected from multiple points within the district heating (DH) network, not just one location. This assessment was applied to the DH customer case for residential and non-residential buildings, and heat producers (DH company). For DH customers, the use of building integrated solar panels, heat pumps, and triple function substations were applied to the DH networks of Belgrade, Serbia, and Tartu, Estonia. For Heat producers, [...]

2022-02-24T11:39:54+00:00February 24th, 2022|Public documents, Publications|
  • cost modelling

District heating cost modelling

The district heating (DH) cost modelling assessment addresses the long-term energy planning of DHs, considering the evolution of systems towards greater efficiency, lower distribution temperatures, greater shares of renewable energy and the incorporation of distributed renewables in the context of an increase of nearly zero energy efficient buildings (NZEBs). Photo: Magda Ehlers (Pexels). The cost modelling is one of the topics included in the report D4.6 (download report D4.6 here >>). The RELaTED project has addressed this issue in WP4 – Economic feasibility & business analysis. The report, D4.6, serves as a summary of the main findings for this WP as it relates to the profitable operation of the RELaTED DH networks. Heat production costs The assessment is [...]

2022-06-29T12:23:23+00:00February 17th, 2022|Public documents|
  • Tartu district heating

Lessons Learnt from Substation Inspection on Low Temperature District Heating Networks

by Antonio Garrido-Marijuan, Tecnalia, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), Olaia Eguiarte, ENEDI Research Group, Department of Energy, Roberto Garay-Martinez, Tecnalia, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), Margus Raud, Gren Tartu AS, 51014 Tartu, Estonia, and Indrek Hagu, Gren Tartu AS, 51014 Tartu, Estonia. Abstract Tartu DH network (Estonia), with the demo area highlighted in blue. District heating networks are considered to be a key element for the decarbonization of Europe. The RELaTED project seeks to contribute to the decarbonization of these infrastructures with the demonstration of low temperature district heating networks. One of the demonstration sites consists of more than 50 substations within a subsection of a larger network in the city of Tartu (Estonia), where the [...]

2022-02-03T10:13:39+00:00February 3rd, 2022|Conference and scientific journals, Publications|

VIDEO: Conoce el innovador sistema de calefacción urbana implantado en Iurreta (Bizkaia)

El innovador sistema de calefacción urbana implantado en el complejo de la Ertzaintza en Iurreta (Bizkaia) puede distribuir calor a una calefacción de distrito a ultra baja temperatura, lo que posibilita ahorrar energía y extender el uso de las energías renovables. Se trata de una district heating (calefacción urbana) que suministra agua caliente sanitaria, así como calefacción y refrigeración, a un complejo de la policía vasca compuesto por un conjunto de 14 edificios. Estas novedosas instalaciones, desarrolladas en el marco del proyecto europeo RELaTED, han sido financiadas por la Unión Europea y el Gobierno Vasco, con la colaboración de un total de 14 empresas e instituciones de 8 países, entre ellas, Ente Vasco de la Energía, Tecnalia, Innometal o NIBE. [...]

2021-12-16T11:09:46+00:00December 16th, 2021|Videos|
  • Celsius Talk

RELaTED outcomes were presented in the Celsius Talk: 5th generation heat networks in Europe

On the 29th of September, the outcomes of the RELaTED project were disseminated in the Celsius talk: 5th generation heat networks in Europe by Olaia Eguiarte, member of Tecnalia. The topic of the webinar is Fifth Generation District Heating and Cooling, a concept that has become more and more frequently used in the sector, but there is no consensus on what it really contains. As stated in this webinar, the 5GDHC is becoming more frequently used in the sector, but there is no consensus on what it really contains. The discussion held included different approaches to define the 5GDHC concept and some examples from projects were discussed. During the webinar, Olaia Eguiarte, member of Tecnalia, introduced the RELaTED project and showed the [...]

2021-10-07T12:21:10+00:00October 7th, 2021|Videos|

Advancing District Heating & Cooling Solutions and Uptake in European Cities

Celsius Initiative has collected and analysed the EU funded projects in the sector of district heating and cooling that are innovative in the recently published Overview of Support Activities and Projects of the European Commission on District Heating & Cooling. This brochure provides a high-level overview and analysis of the projects, including RELaTED project. A growing number of cities worldwide are adopting modern district energy solutions, as the best way to bring sustainable heating and cooling to these dense urban areas. The refurbishment, construction and expansion of district energy network, combining district heating and district cooling, integrating and balancing a large share of renewable power, serving as thermal storage, are prerequisites for the smart energy systems of the future. The [...]

2021-09-16T11:00:48+00:00September 16th, 2021|Conference and scientific journals, Publications|
  • Webinar RELaTED

WEBINAR: Solar energy solutions for decarbonizing ULT DHC

How did the RELaTED pilot site in Denmark use solar power to deliver heat on the ULT DHC network? How can it help foster the EU renovation wave? Watch the recording to know it all. The EU Renovation wave, initiated in October 2020 by the European Commission, has targeted heating and cooling as a key sector in accelerating the renovation rate of buildings in Europe to notably cut CO2 emissions. One of the main aspects is to support the penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) in heating and cooling, including for district heating and cooling (DHC) networks. Solar energy appears to be a great technology for this aim. Its incorporation on existing DHC networks is a solution tested notably in [...]

2022-01-17T10:57:12+00:00April 29th, 2021|Events, Videos|