
Low temperature district heating concept proposed by RELaTED was presented at the IEA EBC Annex preparation workshop on Energy Flexible Buildings

The innovative solutions of cold district heating networks proposed by the RELaTED project were presented at the IEA EBC Annex preparation workshop on Energy Flexible Buildings for Resiliant Energy Networks. The presentation was held on 19th September 2019 in Copenhagen and was attend by members of the Danish Technological Institute (DTI). Christian Holm Christiansen, Senior Specialist at DTI, gave a short presentation of DTI in general and some selected activities that also included the new ultra-low temperature district heating concept (ULT DH) proposed by RELaTED project. The IEA-EBC Programme is an international energy research and innovation programme in the buildings and communities field. It enables collaborative R&D projects among its 24 member countries. Download the slides of the presentation >>

2019-10-24T11:00:00+00:00October 24th, 2019|News|
  • RELaTED project at Building Simulation Rome 2019

Tecnalia presented the benefits of the RELaTED district heating concept at the Building Simulation 2019 Rome

The RELaTED concept was presented at the 16th IBPSA Conference Building Simulation 2019 Rome. Mikel Lumbreras, researcher at Tecnalia, presented the study “Simulation of Unglazed Solar Thermal Integrated into Façade & Combined with Ultra Low Temperature District Heating”. This session was a great opportunity to share information about the RELaTED ultra low district heating concept and to show the benefits of this system in combination with the unglazed solar thermal system. Building Simulation 2019 Rome took place in Rome, on September 2-4, and was organized by the International Building Performance Simulation Association, a non-profit international society of building performance simulation researchers, software developers, and practitioners, founded to advance and promote the science of building performance simulation in order to improve [...]

2019-09-26T13:44:15+00:00September 16th, 2019|News|

RELaTED Project participates in the seminar about heat pump and geothermal energy organized by the EVE in San Sebastian

The seminar, which will take place on June 27th at the Chamber of Gipuzkoa, (San Sebastian, Spain), aims to disseminate knowledge about geothermal energy, one of the most efficient renewable energies, usable everywhere on earth, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Novel microbooster heat pump developed by Metro Therm, partner in the RELaTED project. Credits: Metro Therm A/S. Next June 27th, the Energy Agency of the Basque Government (EVE), partner in the RELaTED Project, in cooperation with the Spanish Technical Association of HVAC and Refrigeration (ATECYR), will host a seminar on geothermal energy. The event, which will take place at the Chamber of Gipuzkoa, will provide technical information about heat pump technology and the implications of the [...]

2019-06-13T13:38:04+00:00June 13th, 2019|News|

Partners of RELaTED project presented their advances in Ultra-Low Temperature district heating in Copenhaguen

Partners of RELaTED, Renewable Low Temperature District, presented their advances in the innovative concept of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) network solution. The meeting took place at the premises of Danish Technological Institute in Taastrup, Copenhaguen, Denmark, on May 21 - 23. RELaTED Consortium. On the first day of the meeting for Thematic Sessions, several partners visited EnergyFlex House, part of the Danish test facility "Green Lab for Energy Efficient Buildings" (GLEEB) and which interacts with Danish Technological Institute’s other laboratories in a wide cooperation with entrepreneurs, manufacturers, consultants and contractors, as well as national and international knowledge centers. The second day of the meeting and first day of the partners General Assembly was a day-long gathering in which [...]

2019-05-30T10:51:04+00:00May 30th, 2019|News|

The innovative tools of RELaTED project were presented at EUSEW 2019

The innovative tools and solutions of RELaTED project were presented at the Policy Conference of EUSEW 2019 (18-20 June in Brussels), the biggest European event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. RELaTED project coordinator, Roberto Garay, took part on the conference "The Green Revolution starts at home" (Thursday 20 June 11.00 - 12.30), organizaed by the Decarb Heat Initiative. This policy session gave a thorough overview of the heating and cooling sector in Europe with its opportunities, tools and technologies available for local, regional and national authorities. Organised by the European Commission and EASME, EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is among the biggest events dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. In its 14th year, [...]

2019-06-27T10:34:46+00:00May 16th, 2019|News|
  • District heating in Poland

RELaTED concept was presented at the District Heating Road Show, in Poland

District Heating Road Show, Warsaw & South West part of Poland is one of the most relevant events about district heating in Poland. The major outcome of this road show is the heating/cooling knowledge and technology transfer from Denmark to Poland, contributing to the Danish export increase in the district heating market. Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels On April 1, the Danish Embassy organized a seminar presenting Danish experience in the field of construction of energy-efficient district heating. About 30 people took part, including an expert of the Mazovia Energy Agency (MAE), who informed the audience about the RELaTED Project. Krzysztof Arnold gave information in the field of low-temperature solutions and "open systems". The expert also explained the [...]

2019-04-25T12:52:49+00:00April 25th, 2019|News|

RELaTED concept was presented at the IAPE’19 conference

Roberto Garay Martinez, RELaTED project coordinator, presented the RELaTED concept at the International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’19) in Oxford, United Kingdom. Source: IAPE. From 14th to 15th of March, Oxford hosted the International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’19). The IAPE conference provided a forum for both researchers and industrials to present and share their latest findings in all aspects of applied energy. This event was a unique opportunity to explain the RELaTED’s innovative concept of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature network to several experts participating at the meeting. Roberto Garay, RELaTED project coordinator, provided a comprehensive review to heat production systems, with particular focus on District Heating systems, their transition to low energy systems, and the potentialities of district heating [...]

2019-04-04T18:31:40+00:00April 4th, 2019|News|
  • Metro Therm microbooster

Novel Domestic Hot Water Microbooster Heat Pump in Ultra-Low Temperature District Heating

The RELaTED project partners Metro Therm and DTI presented a novel microbooster heat pump at the 4th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generarion District Heating, that took place in Aalborg (Denmark). Read the following article to learn more about this study. AUTHORS: Matteo Caramaschi, R&D Engineer at Metro Therm A/S, Kasper Korsholm Østergaard, PhD, R&D Manager at METRO THERM A/S, and Christian Holm Christiansen, Senior Specialist at the Danish Technological Institute. Metro Therm microbooster. Credits: Metro Therm A/S. Ultra-low temperature district heating aims to improve overall networks efficiency and operational costs by reducing supply temperatures below 50 °C. Lower supply temperatures allow for: transmission and distribution heat losses minimization; performance improvement potential of heat generation plants; integration [...]

2019-02-18T15:21:52+00:00February 14th, 2019|News|

Webinar – New solutions for sustainable district heating in European cities

Watch the recording of the Covenant of mayors and RELaTED project webinar "New solutions for sustainable district heating in European cities" and learn about the EU’s heating & cooling decarbonisation policies and technologies available. Watch the recoding of the webinar>> The recently revised EU Renewable Energy Directive recognises heating and cooling as a key sector in accelerating the decarbonisation of the energy system. In order to facilitate the penetration of renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector, each Member State is required to increase the share of renewable energy supplied for heating and cooling by an indicative 1.3 percentage points as a yearly average for the periods of 2021-2025 and 2026-2030. In this endeavour, new technologies and innovative concepts [...]

2019-02-21T13:02:05+00:00February 13th, 2019|News|
  • RELaTED project webinar

NEXT WEBINAR: New solutions for sustainable district heating in European cities

Save the date for our next RELaTED project webinar "New solutions for sustainable district heating in European cities" organised with Covenant of Mayors Office. During this webinar you will learn about EU's heating & cooling decarbonisation policies, discover how the ultra-low temperature district heating concept may contribute to mainstreaming renewable energy in the heating sector and how it is being currently tested in Tartu, Estonia. DATE AND TIME: Thu 7 February 2019 10:30 - 12:00 CET Add to Calendar>> REGISTRATION (Free)>> Description The recently revised EU Renewable Energy Directive recognises heating and cooling as a key sector in accelerating the decarbonisation of the energy system. In order to facilitate the penetration of renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector, [...]

2019-01-31T12:19:20+00:00January 24th, 2019|News|