  • Belgrade District heating network area

Optimizing Belgrade DH network

How the low temperature concepts can be applied for operational high temperature district heating networks? This report uses an example from Belgrade to illustrate and detail the guidelines of the RELaTED Development Schemes for new DH developments in new urban environments. Belgrade District heating network area The guidelines of RELaTED Task 2.6 are in general terms, based on best practice as most DH networks are different in relation to visions, DH network topology, temperature levels, building installations, tariff structure, management etc. This article focuses on the practical implementation of the transition schemes in the DH network in Belgrade. About Belgrade Belgrade is the capital of Serbia with about 2.000.000 inhabitants. It has a moderate continental climate. For the [...]

2022-04-27T11:40:40+00:00April 27th, 2022|News|
  • Last General Assembly RELaTED

The RELaTED Project consortium meets for its last General Assembly

After two days of meetings and hard work, RELaTED ends its last General Assembly. Due to the current sanitary situation, the meeting has, once more, taken place online. However, this has not prevented the partners from doing a thorough revision of all the developments and results obtained during the last months. Even though most work packages have already been finalized or are close do so, the agenda for the coming months will be intense. Specifically, several events are planned, among which we highlight those that will take place at the demonstration sites at Iurreta and Belgrade. Likewise, the consortium is working on the organization of the final seminar which will happen in Brussels in June 2022. We will inform about [...]

2022-03-17T11:29:05+00:00March 17th, 2022|News|
  • Demotrador de Iurreta, proyecto RELaTED

RELaTED presenta el innovador sistema de calefacción urbana implantado en Iurreta

El proyecto RELaTED ha presentado la innovadora infraestructura desarrollada en las instalaciones de la Ertzaintza, en Iurreta (Bizkaia). La puesta en funcionamiento de este sistema demuestra que se puede distribuir calor a una calefacción de distrito a ultra baja temperatura, lo que posibilitará ahorrar energía y extender el uso de las energías renovables en otras zonas de Europa. El Vicelehendakari y Consejero de Seguridad, Josu Erkoreka, y la Consejera de Desarrollo Económico, Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente, Arantxa Tapia, han visitado las instalaciones de la Ertzaintza en Iurreta (Bizkaia) para conocer los resultados del proyecto de investigación europeo RELaTED, Renewable Low Temperature District, en el que participan catorce empresas e instituciones de 8 países europeos. El Gobierno Vasco ha invertido 813.630 euros en la puesta en [...]

2021-12-09T11:04:50+00:00December 9th, 2021|News|
  • RELaTED General Assembly

RELaTED presents promising results in its 9th General Assembly

After two days of intense activity, the RELaTED project consortium ends its General Assembly. On this occasion, the meetings were held in a hybrid format (onsite and online) at the Tecnalia facilities in Spain. Due to the current health situation, part of the project partners could not attend in person, but they connected by teleconference for all the sessions. On this occasion, the meetings were held in a hybrid format (onsite and online) at the Tecnalia facilities in Spain. The first day the status of the demonstration sites was reported, in all cases already built and in operation. Specifically, the demonstrator sites had the opportunity to share with the rest of the partners the technical advances made in [...]

2021-11-12T11:24:45+00:00November 12th, 2021|News|
  • Webconference RELaTED

Webconference: Innovative District Heating and Cooling in practice

How do we go from theory to practice? Representatives of the projects RELaTED and ReUseHeat shared their experience with their pilot sites of Belgrade and Berlin.  Speakers’ slides Fitfor55 - Recast of the EED heating & Cooling 28-10-2021_MLaaniste by Madis Laaniste RELATED - Beoelek pilot site 28-10-2021_RSavic by Radmilo Savic ReUseHeat - Installing a Heat Pump System in Metro Networks 28-10-2021_KOchsner by Karl Ochsner Sen.   Following the release of important legislative actions, like the Fit for 55 package in July 2021, boosting innovation in energy sources and energy-saving sectors has been key. Innovative technologies and systems entail great challenges. District Heating and Cooling is no exception. Pilot and demonstration sites, although not running smoothly all the time, are great steps [...]

2021-11-04T10:06:54+00:00October 20th, 2021|News|

RELaTED presents its approach to the renewable district heating in the workshop: “DHC Networks in EU Innovation Projects”

Antonio Garrido Marijuan, represented RELaTED project on the DHC networks workshop organized by the H2020 project WEDISTRICT at the Sustainable Places. This workshop was focused on the lessons learnt from these two European projects together with the Match UP Project. Antonio as researcher of TECNALIA summarised the work done on the data-analysis of the different demos included in RELaTED, highlighting the importance of automatic data inspection for the optimization of DH operation. During the workshop, the speakers showed a variety of approaches to integration of renewables into the DHC, as well as creation of new business models across the EU that make replication of these innovative solutions plausible. WEDISTRICT organised this event together with the projects MATCHUP, RewardHeat and RELaTED, presenting their approaches to the renewable [...]

2021-10-14T11:16:59+00:00October 14th, 2021|News|
  • Nueva red de calor y frío de alta eficiencia Iurreta

La implantación de la base de demostración en Iurreta llega a su fin

A falta de algunos ajustes en su sistema de gestión, los trabajos de renovación de la red de calor del complejo de la Ertzaintza, en el que han trabajado conjuntamente el proyecto RELaTED y el Gobierno Vasco, han finalizado. El principal objetivo del proyecto RELaTED, que cuenta con financiación europea, es demostrar que es posible reducir la temperatura de suministro de las redes de calor hasta aproximadamente los 40ºC, sin que ello suponga un deterioro en las condiciones de comfort en el interior de los edificios. Para lograr este objetivo, se ha integrado un innovador sistema de bombas de calor que son capaces de proporcionar frío de alta eficiencia, lo que aumenta el rendimiento global de la instalación los 12 [...]

2021-09-30T11:54:57+00:00September 30th, 2021|News|

RELaTED and 5th generation district heating and cooling – Iurreta demo case

Low temperature district heating and cooling networks are a promising technology to reduce the energy consumption on one of its top demand sectors: buildings. AUTHOR: Antonio Garrido Marijuan, researcher in RELaTED. This article was previously published in the September 2021 issue of Celsius newsletter. The main objective of the RELaTED project (financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA-768567, www.relatedproject.eu) is to develop those concepts that path the way to the massive uptake of highly optimised, low-temperature networks that provide heating and cooling at the district level, the so-called 5th-generation district heating and cooling (5GDHC). This includes new solar systems easily integrated at building level developed by Inaventa (https://inaventasolar.com), innovative substations that optimize multi-directional flows [...]

2021-09-23T12:10:12+00:00September 23rd, 2021|News|
  • Nueva red de calor y frío de alta eficiencia Iurreta

Innovador desarrollo de red de calor de alta eficiencia en Iurreta, Bizkaia

Las instalaciones de la Ertzaintza en Iurreta (Bizkaia), contarán con una innovadora red de calor y frío de alta eficiencia que permitirá demostrar que es posible reducir la temperatura de suministro de este tipo de redes hasta aproximadamente los 40ºC. Continúan los trabajos para la puesta en marcha de una innovadora red de calor en las instalaciones de la Ertzaintza, en Iurreta (Bizkaia), desarrollada en el marco del proyecto RELaTED. El objetivo del proyecto, que cuenta con financiación de la Unión Europea, es aplicar los últimos conceptos en redes de calor a baja temperatura y comprobar de manera práctica que es posible maximizar la eficiencia de las de las mismas. Iurreta servirá de banco de pruebas para demostrar que es [...]

2021-09-09T12:24:44+00:00September 9th, 2021|News|

The upgrade of the DH network in Iurreta reaches its turning point

With the upgrades in distribution and piping constructed to a large extent, Iurreta will see its heating system stopped this week to modify its operational principles & adapt it to the RELaTED Ultra Low Temperature DH concept. The last three months have seen the replacement of many devices, installation of new piping, and heavy works by the on-site team. A short overhaul of one week will serve to make the necessary arrangements to adapt heat production to low temperature, the integration of solar thermal systems to the network and many other upgrades so that this 30 year-old system is upgraded to a new era. New low temperature system (left) ready for connection to the existing system (right). [...]

2021-06-29T12:25:21+00:00June 29th, 2021|News|