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So far webmaster has created 71 blog entries.
  • Aventa solar thermal district heating

Solar collectors in Norwegian district heating

Solar thermal is seen as one of the most interesting technologies for European district heating installations with a high share of renewables. A co-operation between district heating companies and solar heat suppliers can be a parallel to the existing co-operation between Norwegian energy companies and suppliers of solar PV. Heat delivery from solar collectors into district heating systems will strengthen the environmental profile, contribute to reduced Norwegian CO2 emissions and also make solar energy a factor in energy policy and planning. An increasing number of European countries support installation and modernisation of district heating networks with a high share of renewables and solar thermal is seen as one of the most interesting technologies. Norwegian solar thermal energy company Aventa is [...]

2018-11-08T12:07:44+00:00November 8th, 2018|News|
  • RELaTED Project was presented at the General Assembly of the HOLISDER Project

RELaTED Project was presented at the General Assembly of the HOLISDER Project

Public Utility Company "Beogradske elektrane" hosts the General Assembly of the HOLISDER Project funded by the European Union through the HORIZON 2020 Program. At the session, RELaTED Project was presented. From 16th to 18th of October 2018, “Beogradske elektrane" hosts the General Assembly of the HOLISDER Project funded by the European Union through the HORIZON 2020 Program. The participants were addressed by Director of the Department for Development and Investments of Beogradske elektrane Mr. Zoran Spasenovski and Project leaders on behalf of Beogradske elektrane Mr. Bojan Bogdanović and Mr. Radmilo Savić, as well as Mr. Ander Romero, Project Coordinator. PUC "Beogradske elektrane", according to the statement, is currently engaged in three EU-funded projects, for which realization funds amounting to more [...]

2018-10-31T11:56:32+00:00October 31st, 2018|News|

Energy Price Assessment: an insight to energy costs in the context of District Heating

The energy price assessment performed in the document “D4.1 – Energy Price Assessment" provides a comprehensive review of the main heat production systems and primary energy sources associated with District Heating systems in Europe. Geothermal heat flow density in Europe. EC 2012. © EC, 2012. District heating (DH) systems are one of the most energy efficient heating systems in urban environments and they are also key systems in the de-carbonization of heating energy in European Cities. Renewable and waste heat sources are foreseen at the same time as de-carbonized heat sources and the way to guarantee competitive energy costs with limited influence of fossil fuel supply price volatility. To achieve this, conversion of DHs is needed. RELaTED will [...]

2018-11-16T14:26:50+00:00October 24th, 2018|Public documents, Publications|
  • Smart Specialisation Platform Heating and Cooling

The Smart Specialisation Platform for Heating and Cooling is launched

In June, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission organised the first workshop on Regional Heating and Cooling priorities in the framework of the Smart Specialisation Platform. The key objective of the Smart Specialisation Platform on Energy is to support the effective uptake of the cohesion funds for those regions with particular interests in the thematic area of sustainable heating and cooling. European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) play an important role in boosting the shift towards a low-carbon economy, and in promoting innovation in the field of energy. The RELaTED’s innovative concept of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature network was presented to several experts participating at the meeting and raised a lot of interest. The key objective of the Smart Specialisation Platform [...]

2018-08-03T14:11:56+00:00June 29th, 2018|News|
  • ST integration into DH networks

Unglazed Solar Thermal Systems for Building Integration, coupled with District Heating Systems

The connection of a solar thermal (ST) façade system to a district heating system allow for the direct use of ST heat in the building, while taking profit from the network for delivery/selling of excess heat and purchase of heat during periods of underproduction. The use of unglazed collectors for low-intrusive architectural interaction in façades is discussed. Studies are carried out on the heat production of the system and its capacity to cope with local demands. Economic studies are carried out in order to balance the investment and operational costs/profits of the system. In this paper, presented in the ICAE conference in Donostia-San Sebastian, the energy performance of a solar thermal (ST) façade system is studied in relation to its [...]

2018-08-06T13:27:41+00:00June 28th, 2018|Conference and scientific journals, Publications|
  • Roberto Garay, RELaTED Project Coordinator

Editorial: “We need to adapt district heating systems to 21st century”

Roberto Garay, RELaTED Project Coordinator District heating systems span below our feet in many cities across Europe. These are complex systems, some of them conceived in the preceding generation, which still today are the cheapest, most reliable and environmentally friendly way to deliver heat to our cities. We want to take profit of existing networks, but at the same time, we need to adapt these to ensure their competitivity in a changing environment in the 21st Century.  In this newsletter, you will learn about our RELaTED system. This system takes profit of continuous development of regulations and improvement in heat diffusion systems in buildings to reduce as much as possible distribution temperatures in the network, thus reducing distribution [...]

2018-06-07T11:54:30+00:00June 1st, 2018|Editorial|
  • Euroheat & Power logo

Euroheat & Power declares interest and full support for RELaTED Project

Euroheat & Power provides a letter of support for RELaTED and declare their interest and full support to the project. Euroheat & Power is a unique network of district energy organizations and professionals. This international association connects industry players, decision-makers and academia from over thirty countries around the globe. Set up under the umbrella of Euroheat & Power, DHC+ Technology Platform is the European hub for research & innovation in district heating and cooling. This Platform is directly involved and actively supporting a variety of EU research project on renewable heating and cooling, heat mapping and planning, smart cities and integrated energy systems.

2018-05-16T14:44:14+00:00May 17th, 2018|News|
  • RELaTED partners visited Fortum Tartu CHP plant

RELaTED project partners meet in Tartu to discuss their progress in Ultra-Low Temperature concept

RELaTED project meeting in Tartu. RELaTED project partners have recently attended their scheduled appointment, this time in Tartu, Estonia. Tartu is one of the four demonstration sites where RELaTED Ultra-Low Temperature concept is being implemented. RELaTED project partners meet in Tartu to discuss their progress in developing Ultra-Low Temperature concept and to define the next steps to follow. The meeting continued with a study visit of the Fortum Tartu CHP plant part of the low temperature district heating demonstration site in Tartu. This plant uses local biofuels - woodchips and peat to produce electricity and heat. The heat is delivered though district heating network for more than 75% of Tartu's residents. Finally, RELaTED partners visited the cooling complex [...]

2018-06-05T13:08:54+00:00May 16th, 2018|News|
  • Dissemination materials

Know more about Low Temperature District Heating solutions

District heating is one of the most energy efficient systems to deliver heat in urban environments. Despite this fact, energy market requires a conversion of actual DH concept. This is the main objective of RELaTED concept, that will provide an innovative system of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) network solution that can pave the way for expanding and modernizing existing district heating networks. Find more information about RELaTED low temperature DH solutions in project dissemination materials. […]

2020-12-11T12:35:28+00:00April 27th, 2018|Public documents, Publications|

Design of consumer thermal substations for the integration of distributed solar technologies in District Heating systems

Victor Sanchez and Roberto Garay, of Tecnalia, presented a new consumer substation on the 5th International Solar District Heating Conference. This concept of substation for the connection of Solar Thermal into District Heating networks, will be developed within RELaTED project. […]

2019-09-26T12:21:08+00:00February 26th, 2018|Conference and scientific journals, Publications|