Novel Domestic Hot Water Microbooster Heat Pump in Ultra-Low Temperature District Heating
The RELaTED project partners Metro Therm and DTI presented a novel microbooster heat pump at the 4th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generarion District Heating, that took place in Aalborg (Denmark). Read the following article to learn more about this study. AUTHORS: Matteo Caramaschi, R&D Engineer at Metro Therm A/S, Kasper Korsholm Østergaard, PhD, R&D Manager at METRO THERM A/S, and Christian Holm Christiansen, Senior Specialist at the Danish Technological Institute. Metro Therm microbooster. Credits: Metro Therm A/S. Ultra-low temperature district heating aims to improve overall networks efficiency and operational costs by reducing supply temperatures below 50 °C. Lower supply temperatures allow for: transmission and distribution heat losses minimization; performance improvement potential of heat generation plants; integration [...]