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The innovative tools of RELaTED project were presented at EUSEW 2019

The innovative tools and solutions of RELaTED project were presented at the Policy Conference of EUSEW 2019 (18-20 June in Brussels), the biggest European event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. RELaTED project coordinator, Roberto Garay, took part on the conference "The Green Revolution starts at home" (Thursday 20 June 11.00 - 12.30), organizaed by the Decarb Heat Initiative. This policy session gave a thorough overview of the heating and cooling sector in Europe with its opportunities, tools and technologies available for local, regional and national authorities. Organised by the European Commission and EASME, EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is among the biggest events dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. In its 14th year, [...]

2019-06-27T10:34:46+00:00May 16th, 2019|News|
  • Ultra Low TEmperature District Heating

Definitions of ultra-low temperature district heating

District heating companies, equipment manufacturers, consultants and researchers have discussed definitions of district heating and cooling in general, and also ultra-low temperature district heating. This inform explains the different definitions and most used terms to give the reader not familiar with district heating the background of this system and the technology options. DOWNLOAD THIS DOCUMENT >> Photo by Pixabay from Pexels In the report "Benchmark for performance levels" (C. H. Christiansen, N. Winther, Ecoheat Cities WP2-report, 2012), the following indicative temperature levels and definitions were specified: DH High Temperature System (HT), 100/50 °C DH Low Temperature System (LT), 80/40 °C DH Very Low Temperature System (VLT), 60/30 °C DH Ultra Low Temperature System (ULT), 45/30 °C District cooling [...]

2019-05-02T11:22:13+00:00May 2nd, 2019|Public documents, Publications|
  • District heating in Poland

RELaTED concept was presented at the District Heating Road Show, in Poland

District Heating Road Show, Warsaw & South West part of Poland is one of the most relevant events about district heating in Poland. The major outcome of this road show is the heating/cooling knowledge and technology transfer from Denmark to Poland, contributing to the Danish export increase in the district heating market. Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels On April 1, the Danish Embassy organized a seminar presenting Danish experience in the field of construction of energy-efficient district heating. About 30 people took part, including an expert of the Mazovia Energy Agency (MAE), who informed the audience about the RELaTED Project. Krzysztof Arnold gave information in the field of low-temperature solutions and "open systems". The expert also explained the [...]

2019-04-25T12:52:49+00:00April 25th, 2019|News|
  • Michaela Meir, Aventa

VIDEO: Aventa develops an innovative solar collector system for district heating

Michaela Meir, R&D manager from Aventa and leader of work package 3 in RELaTED project, explains at this video the solution that this Norwegian company is developing in this project. Both the Spanish company IMAR and Aventa are developing solar collector systems for heating. Aventa’s innovation in RELaTED is that these collector systems are decentralized at the end-user side using the district heating network as storage. The final aim is to install the developed technologies at the RELaTED demo sites. Aventa has developed and produced an all-polymeric solar collector of modular design and flexible in dimensions for building integration. Aventa has pioneer in the delivery of solar thermal collectors fully constructed in polymeric structured sheets. Due to mass production processes [...]

2019-10-17T14:07:40+00:00April 11th, 2019|Publications, Videos|

RELaTED concept was presented at the IAPE’19 conference

Roberto Garay Martinez, RELaTED project coordinator, presented the RELaTED concept at the International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’19) in Oxford, United Kingdom. Source: IAPE. From 14th to 15th of March, Oxford hosted the International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’19). The IAPE conference provided a forum for both researchers and industrials to present and share their latest findings in all aspects of applied energy. This event was a unique opportunity to explain the RELaTED’s innovative concept of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature network to several experts participating at the meeting. Roberto Garay, RELaTED project coordinator, provided a comprehensive review to heat production systems, with particular focus on District Heating systems, their transition to low energy systems, and the potentialities of district heating [...]

2019-04-04T18:31:40+00:00April 4th, 2019|News|
  • Distribution of Legionnaries EU

Interconnection schemes for consumer installations in relation to legionella bacteria prevention

This document elucidates specific problems and solutions for consumer connections in relation to legionella bacteria prevention and treatment, metering and billing options and control opportunities. Moreover, sketches that could be used as specific solutions for consumer interconnection schemes for three of the demonstration sites on public networks in the project are presented. DOWNLOAD THIS DOCUMENT >> The report is a continuation of the report “Low temperature concepts” and  is part of a set of reports that define the system architecture of the RELaTED concept. Distribution of Legionnaries’ disease cases per 100.000 population in the EU/EEA countries, 2016. Source: Surveillance report Legionnaires’ disease. In RELaTED Task 2.2 the design and control challenges for connections for ULT DH consumers are [...]

2019-03-15T12:35:41+00:00March 15th, 2019|Public documents, Publications|
  • RELaTED project METRO THERM video

Video: District heating solutions by RELaTED project and METRO THERM

In this video, Kasper Korsholm Østergaard, PhD, R&D Manager at METRO THERM A/S explains some details of their contribution to the RELaTED project ultra low temperature district heating concept. METRO THERM is a Danish-based company with a long tradition in the production of district heating units and heat pumps. METRO THERM is also one of the 14-companies which have coordinated their interests, technologies and investment roadmaps to develop, deploy and test the RELaTED project concept. The most relevant part of the RELaTED project for METRO THERM is the development of a triple function substation and the use of a microbooster heat pump in ultra low temperature district heating.

2019-03-22T12:41:09+00:00March 7th, 2019|Videos|
  • Iurreta (Spain) district heating network

Low temperature district heating concepts

DH systems were designed many decades ago. In most cases, they are designed and operated to distribute heat at about 80 °C to consumers. RELaTED pursues the development of DH networks with service temperature levels as low as 40-50 ºC. “D.2.1 Low temperature concepts” deliverable reports on the RELaTED low temperature concepts, considering potentialities and limitations imposed by distributed energy sources (DER), low temperature (LT) and ultra-low temperature (ULT) distribution systems as well as heat and domestic hot water demand. DOWNLOAD THIS DOCUMENT >> Operational small corporate DH network in Iurreta (Basque Country, Spain). In RELaTED Task 2.1 the low temperature district heating concept is being defined, and some of the possibilities for integrating distributed energy recourses into [...]

2019-02-28T13:31:08+00:00February 28th, 2019|Public documents, Publications|