Celsius Initiative has collected and analysed the EU funded projects in the sector of district heating and cooling that are innovative in the recently published Overview of Support Activities and Projects of the European Commission on District Heating & Cooling. This brochure provides a high-level overview and analysis of the projects, including RELaTED project.
A growing number of cities worldwide are adopting modern district energy solutions, as the best way to bring sustainable heating and cooling to these dense urban areas. The refurbishment, construction and expansion of district energy network, combining district heating and district cooling, integrating and balancing a large share of renewable power, serving as thermal storage, are prerequisites for the smart energy systems of the future.
The European Commission has been funding projects in the sector of district heating and cooling that are innovative and advancing the state of the art of district energy networks to drive the energy transition. These projects have been collected and analysed by the Celsius Initiative in the recently published Overview of Support Activities and Projects of the European Commission on District Heating & Cooling.
Discover the uptake of DHC solutions in cities and its replication potential. Find the answers to the most pressing questions when looking into replicating these solutions!
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